Splash + Blue Ameraucana

Splash + Blue Ameraucana

from $70.00

Select Dozen or Half Dozen. You can reserve ONE dozen Ameraucana eggs per order.

The chicks that hatch from this group are primarily Splash with a 25% chance of blue! They have THE BEST temperaments. Very happy with these birds. The hens are even more beautifully splash after their first molt!

We introduced our blue laying Splash Ameraucana in 2020. In Spring 2021, we added in new genetics, and in 2022 we were offering Splash + Blue Ameraucana. The genetics we added recently was from from the Gypsy Hen in OK.

Ameraucana are a cold hardy, friendly breed, with a pea-comb, large stand-out muffs, and beard. The APA recognized them as a breed in 1984. We are part of the Ameraucana Breeders Club.

We have had Ameraucana for years in a variety of colors (self blue, black, blue, splash). Our original Ameraucanas were from private show quality stock, in Rhode Island. The males are very thick. The breed is friendly, chatty, with big personalities!

The blue eggs layers play an important roll in colorful eggs - they’re a great start to creating your own olive eggs.

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