Open Gate Olive Eggs (F3, F4, F10+)

Open Gate Olive Eggs (F3, F4, F10+)

from $60.00

Limit ONE dozen olive eggs per order. 2 Extra mystery eggs included.

These olive eggers have been years of work! From both our farm, and FCF. F1 means first generation, and so on!

All pairings are a result of backcrossing to Black Copper Marans, and Ameraucana

The F10+ are Olive X Olive - Chicks will have 100% pea combs!

The eggs you receive are not necessarily the color the hen will lay! The birds will be a variety of colors from white, blue, black, brown, some with feathered feet, some not, some will have muffs. They really add variety to a colorful basket.

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