(NEW) Open Gate Fibro 6th Generation

(NEW) Open Gate Fibro 6th Generation


A Fun Flock Addition! Limit ½ dozen per order. Limited Amount Available. 

Our Open Gate Fibros are a 6th Generation Cross from the birds at Open Gate Farm. Our Fibros have unique features. Some of the birds will have two different eye colors.

We had testing done, and the parent stock from this group all have blue egg genes.

What started years ago with our Ameraucana and Mosaics has evolved into something different because we also crossed those birds with our F10 Olive Eggers!

These have been a project of ours over the years. Projects evolve and change.

Hatch Expectations: The birds that hatch are primarily solid white, some black spots, with feathered legs. Due to fibromelanism: blue or black legs and comb. Occasionally some hatch solid black.

Egg Color: Olive, Green, Tan

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