Peafowl • 4 Peachicks

Peafowl • 4 Peachicks



Peachicks will be 1-3 weeks old - unsexed. The peahens lay MAY - AUGUST.

We recommend feeding them specifically **PURINA **MEDICATED CHICK STARTER FOR 16-20 weeks - to make up 90% of their diet, and then PURINA FLOCK RAISER, and then LAYER PELLETS + MULTI CAT (tractor supply) once they begin to lay at 2 yrs. Please order the book Peacocks Only by Doug Buffington, and join the group Peacocks Only on Facebook.

2021 Will be our second year offering Peachicks. Our male peacock Prince, is an India Blue Black Shoulder. The peahens are India Blue, Cameo, and Black Shoulder. Are peafowl right for you? We offered some informative links below. Our birds are most happy exploring the yard, and gardens exploring together. They come running when I call them in the evening for mealworms.

Here is some other information we have found helpful: raising and caring for peafowl

Roberts Farm Peafowl Info

Open Sanctuary - Intro to Peafowl

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